• How do you pop the top off the fire gel can?

    The easiest way to pop the fire gel can lid off is to use a spoon. Hold two fingers down along the top sides of can to keep steady & pop off center lid with spoon upward. After use, you can tap the lid on with the backend of the spoon.

  • What type of fire gel can should I use?

    Each tabletop fire pit includes 2 green heat fire gel cans. You can check out local retail stores for a replacement pack or contact Cementage for more.

    ONLY use GREEN heat fire gel cans if using fire pits indoors or for food.

  • Are the cement goods sealed?

    Yes, every Cementage piece has a minimum of 3 coats of sealant for prolonged protection.

    The sealant makes each piece water-resistant, preserves the look & color, and brings out the rich color in each piece.

    Although, each piece is protected be sure to take inside during severe storms to prevent a bowl full of water (otherwise you'll have to strain it with the fire glass).

    If left outside overtime, the color and sealant will begin to fade.

  • Does the Tabletop Fire Pit get hot?

    The cement bowl itself can get slightly warm on the bottom, but it has the protection of the cork padding. The fire gel can itself DOES get hot, so use caution during and after use.

    Do NOT touch fire gel can when lit or right after use (the metal can gets hot and needs to cool).

    The cement bowl and fire glass are made to withstand the fire can heat & seasonal temperatures, but take inside during extreme cold & heat when not in use to help with product longevity.

  • Is the fire glass sharp?

    Some fire glass pieces can be sharp, so be careful when handling or use protective gloves to be safe.

    The Mini Tabletop Fire Pits require the most fire glass handling since they do NOT have a hidden insert bowl. You have to remove the fire glass to replace with a new fire gel can.

  • How long does each fire gel can last?

    Each green heat fire gel can provided last for 2 hours each. You can snuff out and relight in between that time too. You can snuff it out with the metal fire can lid by gently setting it on top of the flame. Use the backend of a spoon to tap and secure the lid back on when not in use.

  • Are Tabletop Fire Pits safe for indoor use?

    Yes, the green heat fire gel can makes all of the tabletop fire pits safe for indoor & outdoor use, as well as food grade safe for s’more making.

    When using indoors, ensure you are using in a well ventilated area in your home, and not around your pets. The ethanol in the fire gel can can be toxic to pets if around them too long.

  • How do I replace the fire gel can after use?

    The wide & thin rim fire pits have a hidden insert bowl in the center for easy (re)placement of fire gel cans. To prevent the insert bowl from coming out along with the fire can removal, hold it in place as you shimmy the can upward.

    Sometime fire glass will shift, and re-shuffling will be needed.

    With the mini fire pits, remove the used fire gel can, and pour the fire glass into your drawstring carrying bag. Place the new fire gel can in the mini bowl, then pour the fire glass around.

  • How do I light my Tabletop Fire Pit?

    I recommend using a utility lighter or long matches to ignite the fire gel safely.

    *Short lighters or matches are NOT recommended

  • How do I blow out the fire gel can?

    Do NOT blow out the fire gel can. Burned fire gel particles can get in eyes & cause blindness if not blown out correctly. Instead, snuff it out with the metal fire can lid by gently setting it on top of the flame. Use the backend of a spoon to tap and secure the lid back on when not in use.

For any other questions, reach out to me on the contact tab, social media, or email.